Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 2

I figured out how to add links onto my page, separating them into catagories. Step one.

Now onto a post - step two.

Step three: As soon as I can catch up (probably never) I'll start a #ny20 page for Jim Tedisco's Congressional race. He should get a vote from the 10 County Chairmen this Tuesday and become official. I can't see what can derail it, but it's never over until the votes are cast. Everyone's been there before.

Timing is always a factor (just enjoyed Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers) and I'm lucky to be in a position to be part of this exciting and likely very prominent race.

Friday, January 23, 2009

test post

The is a test, here is a link to a list of Twitter tools.
Here are over 35 Twitter resources for your iPhone, G1, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile device, smartphone, or basic cell phone.
To add an image, click on "image" icon and upload from file. Then set whether you want left, middle, right or on its own line.

this will be the 2nd link, for some twitter tips.